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I Ching with Clarity podcast

Readings, insights and understanding from the I Ching, the oracle of Change.

spiralling descent into a well

Creating a business?

Episode 37 of the I Ching with Clarity podcast features a listener’s reading. She’s wondering whether her desire to create a business is her real path, or whether she could be losing herself. Her reading – Hexagram 48, the Well, changing at line 3 to 29, Repeating Chasms: changing to… Read more »Creating a business?

tabby cat watching

An unexpected reading

Episode 36 of the I Ching with Clarity podcast – a reading of my own, received in a way that might be new to you. I was asking for guidance in a new situation, and the response was Hexagram 27, Nourishing, changing to 54, the Marrying Maiden. (The completely positive… Read more »An unexpected reading

eroding rockface and green slopes below

Finding spiritual direction

A podcast reading with two radically contrasting hexagrams: 23, Stripping Away, changing to 42, Increasing: changing to Maria’s question: ‘How should I lead my spiritual life to know the truth?’ In this reading, she and Yi trace a path through what seems like an impossible situation. Links I mention in… Read more »Finding spiritual direction

spring blossom with bee

An enthusiastic transition

Episode 33 of the I Ching with Clarity podcast features a listener’s reading about moving to a new country. How best to make a positive transition to this new place, wherever it may be? The Oracle answered with Hexagram 16, Enthusiasm, changing at line 2 to Hexagram 40, Release: changing… Read more »An enthusiastic transition

Chinese bronze chariot

Where to go?

‘Where to go?’ was Lilian’s reading for this episode of the podcast; Yi answered with Hexagram 47, Confining, changing at lines 2 and 4 to 8, Seeking Union – changing to – which is a lovely example of Yi answering the person even when I couldn’t quite see how it… Read more »Where to go?

Raindrops on lake surface.

The Inner Truth of Waiting

In this episode, Katie – a psychotherapist in training – asks, “What do I most need to know right now?” Behind this question lies a worry that she ought to be doing more, or achieving faster or maybe starting a side business: she was wondering, she said, whether she ought… Read more »The Inner Truth of Waiting