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I Ching with Clarity podcast

Readings, insights and understanding from the I Ching, the oracle of Change.

fox on ice

Almost crossing the river

A lovely conversation with Roslyn, about starting an online class to teach Daoist and complementary practices to women – about trepidation and confidence, pacing and patience, foxes and drunkenness, elephants and armies… Her reading was Hexagram 64, Not Yet Across, changing at lines 2 and 6 to 16, Enthusiasm: changing… Read more »Almost crossing the river

A reading for the year

This episode features a reading for the year ahead. Kalimah’s question: “Please comment on the year ahead. What I can expect? And also, how best to work with the energies within and around me?” Yi answered with Hexagram 23, Stripping Away, changing at lines 1, 4, 5 and 6 to… Read more »A reading for the year

simple white rose

A slower reading

Here’s a gentle exploration of Hexagram 22, Beauty, in which we work our way round to understanding! Kim asked ‘What’s happening?’ – looking for a picture of the greater pattern of her life. I think Yi handed her the paintbrush…

close-up of older and younger woman's clasped hands

Family constellations

This month’s podcast features one of those readings where Yi really takes your breath away: ‘How beneficial would it be for me to join the next course on family constellations?’ Yi’s response: Hexagram 18, Corruption, changing at lines 2, 3, 4 and 6 to 16, Enthusiasm. changing to Lux (as… Read more »Family constellations

bare feet and flowers

Beautiful feet

As you might have guessed from the title of this episode, it’s about a reading with Hexagram 22, Beauty, changing at line 1 to 52, Stilling: changing to It was all about becoming imperfectly visible – which the reading’s owner has just begun to do on her Youtube channel…

light under a bushel

Hiding Light

An annual reading, this time: the first thing Maria does on her birthday is to sit down and ask to be shown a reading for the coming year. Here’s hers for 2023-24: Hexagram 36, Brightness Hiding, with no changing lines. Since this was an unchanging reading, we had the time… Read more »Hiding Light

River plain

The army’s receptivity

In this episode, Katarina and I discuss her reading about moving to a new part of the country – Hexagram 7, the Army, changing at line 2 to 2, Earth: changing to As we talk about her plans, you can hear the qualities of the hexagrams – that meeting of… Read more »The army’s receptivity