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Interpreting hexagrams

Comments on whole hexagrams, individual lines and so on

Hexagram 3 and Lateral Growth

Here’s another ‘non-Yi’ post I came across that strikes me as helpful in understanding a hexagram. This one from Scott Young, about lateral growth. He differentiates between this and vertical, directed growth: ‘Opportunity is critical for lateral growth. With vertical growth, you are already aware of what you aim and… Read more »Hexagram 3 and Lateral Growth

Hexagram 43 and decision

Here is a good, blunt article that explains why You Cannot Have It All: because choice you make for something is by implication a choice against something else. I linked to this article because it’s a clear statement of something we need to be aware of whenever Hexagram 43 shows… Read more »Hexagram 43 and decision

New Yijing poetics

There are some beautiful new papers at Denis Mair’s Yijing Poetics site. I’m currently engrossed in ‘Maybe a daisy chain’, a new story woven from the Sequence of hexagrams. What I find most remarkable – and liberating – about this is how utterly different it is from the story I… Read more »New Yijing poetics

Hexagram 14, line 6

Hexagram 14, line 6 was part of my reading for the week. It hasn’t been a great week, and I’ve been using my reading not only for its advice, but also as a reminder, a kind of talisman. Waiting for the pharmacist to make up my Mum’s prescription, I went… Read more »Hexagram 14, line 6

The Neverending Story

I found this by chance (yes, I know) in a charity shop yesterday, and just finished it. So now I need to read it again! It is an extraordinary book, full of rich imagery and wisdom, and I can’t imagine why I hadn’t come across it before. The ‘Temple of… Read more »The Neverending Story

Half-baked lunatic idea

I’ve been reading in Kindred Spirit magazine about the evidence (not sure if I need inverted commas there) for an inter-life experience. Lots of people under regression hypnosis (with different therapists) report very similar experiences of a place they go between lives. While there, they review their past life, rejoin… Read more »Half-baked lunatic idea