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Interpreting hexagrams

Comments on whole hexagrams, individual lines and so on

Positional friends in Hexagram 45

The fifth line of Hexagram 45, Gathering, reads: ‘Gathering, has a position. No mistake. No truth at all. From the source, ever-flowing constancy. Regrets vanish.’ How can your position in the gathering be ‘no mistake’ if it’s altogether without truth or trust? I picked up Anyway by Kent Keith, author… Read more »Positional friends in Hexagram 45

I Ching interpretation to download

Michael Graeme has generously provided his own in-depth, line-by-line notes on the I Ching as a free download, here. I’ve only just started looking through this myself, but it’s clearly thoughtful, intelligent work, worth studying. Thank you, Michael!

New article on Hexagram 47

I’ve just posted a new article in response to a request for help with Hexagram 47. Although its basic qualities are very clear and distinctive, it can be a tricky one to apply in practice. How to respond to those images of encircling walls, mistrust, and the lake that drains… Read more »New article on Hexagram 47