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I Ching

Making readings real

I’m making this post because there’s an ebook I want to recommend to you. It’s not an I Ching book as such – in fact, it doesn’t mention divination from one end to the other, so what’s got into me? Give me a minute or two, and I’ll explain. (And… Read more »Making readings real

Upcoming redesign

I owe you a blog post, so I asked Yi what to write about. And the oracle suggests 39.3 changing to Hexagram 8: difficulty and turnaround through seeking union. This, I realised, was all about The Redesign. I’m getting my site redesigned. This – I know from the last time… Read more »Upcoming redesign

Tao of Dow online class

Here’s another neat class idea from Misha Goussev: ‘The Tao of Dow, East Asian wisdom in business’, aka ‘Taoism, Change and Decision Making’. There are ten Monday classes, taught via Yahoo group and email, three on Taoism in general and the remainder on the I Ching and decision-making. They run… Read more »Tao of Dow online class

Yi on the Secret

Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the past few months, you’ve probably heard of the Secret, and maybe gathered that it’s a creatively-marketed way of presenting the ‘Law of Attraction’. The basic idea is that whereas ‘common sense’ says that stuff happens to us, and that makes us feel… Read more »Yi on the Secret

Open book

Over the weekend, I found myself with a bit of a communication problem. The details aren’t important: I wanted to help and encourage someone to do something he was finding hard. I tried a few different approaches, succeeded only in being annoying, and finally asked Yi for advice on how… Read more »Open book