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I Ching

Experiencing synchronicity

I was just reading this post by Hollis Polk, ‘Does synchronicity have a structure?’ She’s just experienced a truly uncanny sequence of synchronicities, all in support of her new teleclass. They leave her wondering, “I’d like to believe that it was my clear intention to do this class  for free, and… Read more »Experiencing synchronicity

About last month’s links

Oops, sorry. After I sent out last month’s newsletter, the script I use to do so went pear-shaped and I had to restore from a backup. I spent ages getting subscribers and unsubscriptions right again afterwards, but I forgot all about the newsletter’s links. So now they’re all bust. Oops.… Read more »About last month’s links

Being the marrying maiden

Recent readings have given me a new application for Hexagram 54: the experience of relying on other people to work for me. The Marrying Maiden, poor little thing, moves into a world that’s several sizes too big for her, and has to feel her way into its relationships and possibilities.… Read more »Being the marrying maiden

Hexagrams from Cesca

Have a look at Cesca Diebschlag’s I Ching News blog. I’ve only just found my way there, and I’m delighted to discover excellent articles on Hexagrams 20, 22, 29, 5 and 16. I especially like what she has to say about 22, in the post entitled ‘Beautifying’.

Synchronicity and the Tao

I’ve just started reading Jean Shinoda Bolen’s Tao of Psychology. It’s a wonderful book. Not much writing about synchronicity really seems to ‘get it’, but this most assuredly does: “Synchronicity is the connecting principle… between our psyches and an external event, in which we feel an uncanny sense of inner… Read more »Synchronicity and the Tao