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I Ching

Past, present, future

I have an email asking me for “some instruction on how to identify the past, the present and the future through I Ching reading. I would like to receive any useful comment relating to this topic. My intent is to have more confidence when doing a reading for myself.” Well,… Read more »Past, present, future

Seeing my own life

Hexagram 20, line 5, has a cryptic brevity – ‘Seeing my own life. The noble one is without mistake.’ – and even more so when you consider that the sixth line differs from it by just one word: ‘Seeing their lives. The noble one is without mistake.’ As you move… Read more »Seeing my own life

Fear of divination?

I’ve become aware recently of an emotional pattern that makes people reluctant to try a reading with the I Ching. These are open-minded people, interested in spiritual growth and self-knowledge. So they don’t dismiss the idea of divination unthinkingly, as something that obviously couldn’t work. Nor do they avoid it… Read more »Fear of divination?

The I Ching for T-shirts

Here it is: T-shirt I Ching. Choose your hexagram, moving line and quotation, and wear it. I can see the attraction. The examples they offer include 24, 42 and 46, all very quotable. It’s easy to think of other lines that have that ‘wearable’ quality: how about 18.6, for a… Read more »The I Ching for T-shirts

Dreaming Hexagram 1

That’s not a specially-contrived poetic title: I really did dream Yijing last night. I think the idea was a hexagram-by-hexagram Yijing of love. It’s natural (I dreamt) to experience love as having depths, to feel it as something inward. Hexagram 1’s expression of love is about heights – heaven above… Read more »Dreaming Hexagram 1