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I Ching

Preview of the new design

After my last post with its cautionary tale, it’s good to be able to tell you that the new site design will go live this month. So this would be a space to watch. 😉 Meanwhile, here’s a preview of the new navigation: The real thing is altogether bigger, brighter… Read more »Preview of the new design

Browse the ‘Complete I Ching’

If you’ve ever wondered about purchasing Alfred Huang’s Complete I Ching – I’ve just come across a site where you can browse through his full translation (though not his commentary) in a beautifully clear presentation. Huang’s name is somewhat hard to find, tucked away as it is on the ‘references’… Read more »Browse the ‘Complete I Ching’

Hexagram 23? Now what?

My personal ‘hexagram for the week’: 23, unchanging. Eek. Not so long ago, this wouldn’t have bothered me in the least. I know many people are nervous of the ‘bad’ hexagrams and anticipate disasters whenever they receive hexagrams 23, 44 or 12 (the three most often labelled as ‘bad’). I’ve… Read more »Hexagram 23? Now what?

Spirit of hexagram 25

In my internet wanderings, I came across this post on the Original Faith blog that seems to capture the spirit of being Without Entanglement. “None of this is on my time. I resent nothing and no one. I share in the whole world by laying claim to none of it,… Read more »Spirit of hexagram 25