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I Ching

Good I Ching introduction

I’ve been enjoying this I Ching introduction from CJ Stone. He goes straight to the heart of the thing: “The I-Ching also has a central character, and a definite place and time period, but its central character is not divine or even remotely inspired, and its time period is not… Read more »Good I Ching introduction

The I Ching and badminton

My husband and I go out on the back lawn when the weather’s good enough, and play badminton. Let’s see… David’s six feet tall, lean and wiry and a natural athlete; I’m five foot two, about two stone overweight, and hopelessly uncoordinated – you know the one who can’t even… Read more »The I Ching and badminton

Engagement in Hexagram 18

Hexagram 18, Corruption, demands that we actively engage with how things are. And things are a mess: there are ‘negative patterns’ playing themselves out, or in other words the same old bad things keep on happening.

Eating ancient de?

That’s how the third line of Hexagram 6, Arguing, begins: ‘Eating ancient de. Constancy: danger. In the end, good fortune. Maybe following king’s business, No accomplishment.’ It’s unusual for Yi to talk in abstract imagery in this way – eating not food, but de. De, as in Daodejing, is virtue,… Read more »Eating ancient de?

I Ching coins questions

I’ve been hearing from quite a few people lately who are wondering what to do when they’re consulting the I Ching, and their coins behave oddly. What if one rolls away? What if it ends up under the furniture? Or propped up against something so it doesn’t land flat? Of… Read more »I Ching coins questions