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I Ching

New article on Hexagram 47

I’ve just posted a new article in response to a request for help with Hexagram 47. Although its basic qualities are very clear and distinctive, it can be a tricky one to apply in practice. How to respond to those images of encircling walls, mistrust, and the lake that drains… Read more »New article on Hexagram 47

I Ching texts online

I had an email asking if I knew of a complete I Ching online, so you could cast your coins while away from home and look up the hexagrams without carrying a book. I suggested LiSe’s site, and Wilhelm (available from this site in both English and French), and Brad’s,… Read more »I Ching texts online

I Ching Meditation Images

Adele Aldridge has begun a new blog for her I Ching Meditations artwork, where she’s posting both the images and some background. So far there are images for the eight trigrams – all completely unlike the usual fare of ‘I Ching cards’. I like K’an especially.

Drumming the I Ching

For some years, I’ve been ‘drumming’ the I Ching from time to time. Not properly or skillfully, generally just on the nearest tabletop. I take a yang line as a single beat, and a yin line as two half beats, and set out through the Sequence in compound duple (six… Read more »Drumming the I Ching

It takes too long!

Here’s a story I’ve heard, with variations, several times; “The I Ching? Yes, I did try that when I was in college… yes, it was fascinating, I’d almost forgotten… These days? I draw a card, maybe tarot, maybe another oracle deck, and look up the meaning in the book. I… Read more »It takes too long!