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I Ching

A dialogue on the I Ching

… as a source of political insight. Suzi Gablik thought it a good source. (She asked about the meaning of the 9/11 attacks and received 15.6.) Her correspondent reacted as if she’d committed blasphemy against the jealous divinity of social science, or something. And Virgil the alligator commented on all… Read more »A dialogue on the I Ching

Yarrow stalk video

Someone emailed me recently to say that the written instructions for the yarrow method were too complex, and was there a video she could watch? I said no, sorry, and suggested that if she took it step by step a few times she’d soon get into the rhythm of the… Read more »Yarrow stalk video

Hexagrams as pictures

Some hexagrams – like 29 – seem to derive much of their meaning from their component trigrams. Some – like 27 – seem to derive it in the first place from the picture made by the lines themselves. Hexagram 27 looks like jaws; Hexagram 21 looks as though an obstacle’s… Read more »Hexagrams as pictures

reflections and concentric ripples in water's surface

Patterns to look for

… in your I Ching reading journal. Recently I’ve been thinking (with help from some wise and generous mentoring clients!) about what can show up when you review a series of readings. The way they start to fit together, unfolding a single story or interweaving many themes, always gives me… Read more »Patterns to look for