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I Ching

Living Change I Ching podcast

Here it is… I Ching podcast, episode 1. In future I’d like to add more sections to this – some interviews, feedback, shared experiences, maybe even some music like a real, grown-up podcast. Some of the more in-depth stuff will be for Change Circle members only, but there’ll always be… Read more »Living Change I Ching podcast

Hexagram relationships

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Two-line relationships

Here’s a whole field of study where (as far as I know) we’ve barely scratched the surface. Each hexagram line ‘points towards’ the hexagram created when it changes, its zhi gua. It’s natural enough to go through the I Ching line by line and see how each one reflects the… Read more »Hexagram relationships

A cheerful lightness

Learning in groups has never come naturally to me. Back in college, when everyone else was hurrying to attend the tutors’ revision sessions before Finals, I was sitting alone in my room, in the middle of the floor, entirely surrounded by my own densely-scrawled notes full of original ideas. And… Read more »A cheerful lightness

The nature of Radical Change

There seem to be two distinct streams of ideas flowing in Hexagram 49, Radical Change. First, it’s arguably the apex, along with Hexagram 50, of the great historical narrative of the Zhou conquest. ‘Radical Change puts away the old; the Vessel grasps renewal.’ The old regime is overthrown here; the… Read more »The nature of Radical Change

Using praise

Hexagram 18, line 5: ‘Ancestral father’s corruption. Use praise.’ So how is praise in any way helpful in dealing with corruption? Hexagram 18 is one of those whose lines seem to have a reasonably clear progression, starting with taking on responsibility for and ‘ownership of’ the inherited corruption, and moving… Read more »Using praise