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I Ching

Hexagram artwork for sale –

Paul Guérin, also known as ‘confucius’ in the I Ching Community, is offering these drawings of the old forms of the sixty-four hexagram names: The images are drawn in Chinese ink on rice paper, and they’re available for all of $20, including postage anywhere in the world, only to Clarity… Read more »Hexagram artwork for sale –


I came across this animation at Patricia Bralley’s excellent blog, where she has it under the title ‘Addiction, Ego, Pain’. Of course, we don’t know what the scarf is made of… but it seems to me that another good title might be, “How to tell when you really need Hexagram… Read more »Knitting?

Yi on life purpose

A couple of days ago, I recommended the Divine Purpose Unveiled course, and all kinds of debate ensued. Some of that was about the very idea of having a ‘divine purpose’ at all, and whether it’s remotely helpful. Is it good to believe that we have a specific personal contribution… Read more »Yi on life purpose

Gifts, life purpose and Yu the Great

Hexagram 35: Advancing, Prospering, Flourishing – I love getting this one in readings and introducing people to it. ‘Prospering, Prince Kang used a gift of horses to breed a multitude. He mated them three times in one day.’ (There are other possible translations – it could be that Kang was… Read more »Gifts, life purpose and Yu the Great