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I Ching

The Lorelei

I’ve been listening to Clarissa Pinkola Estés talking about creativity and telling stories (always a good idea). She talked about that time when an artist becomes utterly obsessed by his (or her) art: the work is so perfect, so beautiful, so right, that nothing else matters. The artist forgets all… Read more »The Lorelei

A line pathway

I’m sure I must have mentioned these before, so let me start with a quick recap before I get to something I just noticed about 57.5… A ‘line pathway’ is my name for what LiSe calls ‘line squares’ and Stephen Karcher calls ‘crossline omens’. (LiSe and Stephen are the ones… Read more »A line pathway

Hexagram 26, intention and space

This post is such an agglomeration of things it’s not really title-able.  How about  ‘Complementary hexagrams, 26 and 45 in particular, and intention, and the usual brilliance of Jen Louden or What happens if you read everything with hexagram eyes’? No? Anyway… it starts – before that 61-to-29 reading persuaded… Read more »Hexagram 26, intention and space

The trouble with impetration

Jack Balkin (The Laws of Change) and Richard Rutt (Zhouyi) both explain the distinction between two kinds of oracle: impetrative and oblative. Since they give subtly different definitions, I’ll content myself with sharing what I’ve understood from them both. An oblative oracle is one that’s given to you: an omen… Read more »The trouble with impetration

Quick update

If you’re a Change Circle member, or if you’ve clicked the ‘Readings’ tab of this site lately, you’ll already know this: I’ve stopped giving I Ching readings. The I Ching Community remains – definitely no plans to close that – as do the various downloads and the full I Ching… Read more »Quick update

An oracle for multiplicity?

I’ve been reading Multiplicity: the new science of personality by Rita Carter. I’m only part way through, so this isn’t a good representation of the book, just half an idea that struck as I was reading. The basic thesis of the book is this: your character as an individual is… Read more »An oracle for multiplicity?