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I Ching

Great Possession as Offering

Just one more of those moving-line-related connections that makes it look for all the world as if the people who wrote this oracle knew what they were doing – Start with Hexagram 14, Great Possession – ‘Activate’ its third and fourth lines – change them by opening them out from… Read more »Great Possession as Offering

Additive hexagrams?

OK, here’s the off-the-wall idea for the day. What if you could add two hexagrams together? Not changing lines to move from one hexagram to another, but ‘adding’ them, on the basis that yin + yin = yin, but yang + yin = yang, because you imagine the yang line… Read more »Additive hexagrams?

Already Crossing?

On the one hand, ‘Already Across’ is certainly a good, literal translation of the name of Hexagram 63. The old character for ‘already’ shows someone turned away from a food pot, implying a completed action. The historical resonances of the book as a whole imply that this is the moment… Read more »Already Crossing?

A cycle for diviners?

I wanted to see what you thought of this blog post from James Warlock, who was part of last year’s Festival of Change: The Magickian’s Cycle. It begins: The magickian’s cycle is, in essence, as follow: Become very enthusiastic about magick Practice magick in a regular and dedicated fashion Have… Read more »A cycle for diviners?

Turning points

Someone, some day, really is going to have to write a huge Yi book that not only describes individual moving lines with their zhi gua in mind – for example, writing about 27.6 with 24 in mind – but also describes groups of moving lines with their zhi gua in mind.… Read more »Turning points


On the one hand… …divination with Yi is not particularly about getting what you want. As a wise person pointed out recently in Reading Circle, it’s not life-as-catalogue: ‘I want that person/ this experience/ that possession, so how do I get it?’ We need to be at least somewhat aware… Read more »Wanting