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I Ching

Traffic lights are trigrams

  Wouldn’t it be nice if I broke my excruciatingly long silence here with something in-depth and profoundly meaningful? Well… too bad… On a car journey today, I noticed –   Gen, the mountain, meaning a barrier, stilling, stopping.             Kan, chasms and flowing water,… Read more »Traffic lights are trigrams

Small cosmic joke

…at my expense, of course. Shenpen Chokyi has just launched her new site, about her upcoming Yijing book and cards. (At least, it will be upcoming if we let her know we’re interested!) So… I looked through her site, and let her know about a couple of errors I found.… Read more »Small cosmic joke


Here’s a post I should have made yesterday morning, when I cast my usual playing-in-the-sandbox readings for the Wimbledon finalists. Then I could have made a prediction and invited you to do the same, and… let’s face it, if I tried to cast readings with public predictions in mind, Yi… Read more »77