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I Ching

Danger – good fortune?

I’m just coming to the end of the ‘omens’ section as I revise and enlarge ‘Words of Change’, my Yijing glossary. This involves testing out ideas by looking at every instance of each omen, along with all the example readings I can find. Since I’m going into more detail this time… Read more »Danger – good fortune?

Example reading after a dream

Since I wrote about ‘Four ways Yi works with dreams’, I’ve been on the alert for how this conversation’s working for me. Here’s an example from my journal. I’d been divining – and worrying – about how I was going to promote the journal software. I’ve never been very good… Read more »Example reading after a dream

Announcing: new Yijing and dreams journal software coming 15th October

======================== Update It took longer than planned, but the Resonance Journal software is now available for download. ========================   Announcing… at last… with fanfare… The Yi-plus-dreams-plus-signs journal software – that’s been in a sousaphone-sized pipeline for a while – is really taking shape now. We’ll be calling for half a… Read more »Announcing: new Yijing and dreams journal software coming 15th October

The noble one’s story

Where you find the noble one We mostly come across the junzi, the ‘noble one’, in the Image Wing of the Yi. But he also features in many oracles and lines of the original text. Here’s the whole list: 1.3, 2.0, 3.3, 9.6, 12.0, 13.0, 15.0, 15.1, 15.3, 20.1, 20.5,… Read more »The noble one’s story

The clouds of Hexagram 9

Hexagram 9 says, ‘Small taming, creating success. Dense clouds without rain Come from my Western altars.’ The dense clouds without rain suggest that what we need is tantalisingly close, just not quite here yet.  Those ‘Western altars’ are probably a subtle reference to the Zhou, people of the West. Before… Read more »The clouds of Hexagram 9