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I Ching

‘Enliven’ email course

The blog has gone quiet lately, and is likely to remain quiet until I finish up the ‘Enliven’ email course. This is an eclectic mix of ideas for bringing your relationship with guidance to life (hence the title!) through keeping a journal. That includes dreams and synchronicities as well as Yi.… Read more »‘Enliven’ email course

Download the Resonance Journal!

Here it is – Please download and enjoy – the 30 day trial should give you plenty of time to explore. It includes… my Language of Change Yijing glossary (not yet available anywhere else) quick ways to enter a reading you’ve cast yourself, as well as a ‘three coin’ cast within… Read more »Download the Resonance Journal!

goldfish swimming round in recycling symbol

Recurring hexagrams

I’d been planning on writing a devastatingly insightful post about some rarefied, recondite connection you can find between readings with the Resonance Journal. Maybe the karmic significance of a repeated nuclear hexagram emerging as primary when you ask a Big Question – something deep and meaningful like that. Only when… Read more »Recurring hexagrams

The distance of line 6

  Image © Freeteo I’ve taken to thinking just about the position of a changing line, as a starting point for looking at its imagery and connections – and it’s surprising how often this provides the key to a reading. Line 6, for instance. We’ve passed line 5 – the… Read more »The distance of line 6

When Yi is neutral

A couple of months ago I wrote about ‘Essentials for Yijing readings‘ and included that old favourite hobby horse of mine: the commentary is not the answer, along with some examples of commentary – Wilhelm’s, Karcher’s and mine – that was decidedly not what the oracle said. All three examples I came up with were from… Read more »When Yi is neutral

Living Connection

Thinking about why we’re creating the journal software,  I found myself writing a sort of personal creed. Here it is – Living Connection Nothing definitive – of course – but heartfelt. If you like it, please share it freely.