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I Ching

dandelion seeds

Nuclear families of 37 and 38

Back in 2007, I wrote about the nuclear family of Hexagram 37, People in the Home. That’s the four hexagrams that contain 37 as a nuclear, coiled in potential within their inner lines. If you unpack lines 2,3,4 and 3,4,5 from any of these hexagrams –        – you see Hexagram… Read more »Nuclear families of 37 and 38

Resonance Journal 1.4 - now with added openings

New Resonance Journal version

Just a quick note to say here is version 1.4 of the Resonance Journal. (Note: if you already have the software installed, you need to run this updater program instead.) It has a shiny new random entry option. You simply select ‘Review Random Entry’ from the ‘entries’ menu (or use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+m) to bring… Read more »New Resonance Journal version

Hexagram 26: Great Taming

Hexagrams 9 and 26 are ‘Small Taming’ and ‘Great Taming’ – the same activity on a different scale. That activity is xu, 畜: rearing livestock, and farming in general. (Stephen Field actually translates these two hexagrams as ‘Lesser Stock’ – mostly goats – and ‘Greater Stock’, namely the horses, cattle and pigs… Read more »Hexagram 26: Great Taming

one thing

Just one thing

I spend a lot of time exploring and writing about the endless depths of Yijing readings. There are those little seeds of meaning hidden in the etymology of individual characters, the long resonances across the structure of the Sequence, the pictures to be painted with trigrams and stories to tell… Read more »Just one thing

sky at night

Hexagram 20: the Tower?

También disponible en español Hexagram 20 is called Seeing – but if your I Ching experience began with Wilhelm, then you’ll be familiar with the idea that the shape of the hexagram itself is a picture of an ancient tower: ‘A tower of this kind commanded a wide view of… Read more »Hexagram 20: the Tower?