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I Ching

Yijing, Book of Stories

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Book of Stories

Stories are a big part of how readings work. When we’ve gone round and round the situation a few (dozen) times in our thoughts, and everything is stale and stuck, Yi says, ‘Imagine, it’s as if…’ – and everything changes. How I got here, where ‘here’ is, what paths might… Read more »Yijing, Book of Stories

Questions of choice

I spend a lot of time thinking about what we ask the Yi and helping other people find their questions. This is a bit odd, because finding the question really isn’t complicated at all. It’s not a matter of devising a question nor even really of deciding on one, but… Read more »Questions of choice

Yijing as the Source of Nine Star Ki – London course

This sounds interesting: a two day course in London on 9 Star Ki astrology and its roots in the Yijing. If you’re interested I would recommend getting in touch with the organisers soon, as they’re only taking six students. Click the image for more information:    

Hexagrams and their scale

I started work recently to research a post on Hexagram 23, Stripping Away – a hexagram of loss, whether that means painlessly shedding what’s outlived its usefulness, or having something you’re very much attached to torn away. Looking through a dozen reading experiences with this one, I was struck again… Read more »Hexagrams and their scale

Thunder over the lake

What is resonance?

I imagine anyone who’s lived with Yi for a while has also got used to the idea that the world around them gives them signs, and often these signs resonate strongly with readings. I had a ‘big’ Hexagram 10 reading a few years ago, and saw tigers everywhere. (Pictures of… Read more »What is resonance?