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I Ching

Shadowy figure in misty forest

Meeting the Yi lord

Each year on my birthday, I ask Yi for guidance for the coming year. Then over the course of the year I revisit the reading, finding guidance and gleaning understanding as I go. At least, such is the theory. Last year’s reading, cast on 7th December 2015, was Hexagram 55,… Read more »Meeting the Yi lord

Book of nuclear stories

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Book of Stories

A ‘nuclear story’ (my term for something many people have described before me) is found within a single hexagram, by ‘unpacking’ its trigrams and nuclear trigrams. It unfolds a kind of ‘hidden adventure’ for the hexagram. I realise I’ve written this up for Change Circle members in some detail (see this… Read more »Book of nuclear stories

falling leaf

23 as relating hexagram

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Hexagram 23

I wrote about a core message of Hexagram 23 when it’s your cast hexagram: how it demands a true tabula rasa, not just a ‘rethink’. What about 23 as relating hexagram – what can that mean? Of course, there are 64 different ways a reading can change to Hexagram 23, but… Read more »23 as relating hexagram

Hexagram 23 in readings

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Hexagram 23

The essential message of Stripping Away is devastatingly simple: ‘Stripping away. Fruitless to have a direction to go.’ Your ‘direction to go’ can be whatever plan you have in mind, your purpose or vision or intent, or something as slight as a curiosity to explore in a certain direction. The root… Read more »Hexagram 23 in readings

Resonance Journal update!

Version 1.5 of the Resonance Journal is ready! This version includes Volume 1 of Bradford Hatcher’s Yijing – the full translation with commentary – as a built-in translation to explore via the hexagram browser and select there for use with your reading entries.  If you already have the Resonance Journal installed, you must… Read more »Resonance Journal update!