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I Ching

River plain

The army’s receptivity

In this episode, Katarina and I discuss her reading about moving to a new part of the country – Hexagram 7, the Army, changing at line 2 to 2, Earth: changing to As we talk about her plans, you can hear the qualities of the hexagrams – that meeting of… Read more »The army’s receptivity

spade in earth

Astonishingly literal

We love the layered profundity of the Yijing’s imagery – the way it can speak direct to the soul, giving us entirely new ways of seeing our situation. We know that the Vessel of Hexagram 50 might be a university, or a mindset, or a state of health, or any… Read more »Astonishingly literal

two cats cuddled together

Friends and allies

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Differentiating hexagrams

Confusion… Hexagram 8’s called bi, Seeking Union or Belonging (or Union, Alliance, Grouping, Joining, Holding Together, Closeness…)And Hexagram 13 is tong ren, People in Harmony (or Fellowship, Cooperation, Community, Union of Men…) According to the dictionary, we have one hexagram name that means (amongst other things) ‘to share with, join, coincide with,… Read more »Friends and allies

raindrops on grass

With hindsight

A reading where we already knew the outcome – which really gives us a chance to learn from it! The reading’s about a family argument, and pausing to find a new way to respond, and the advice was Hexagram 5, Waiting, changing at lines 2 and 3 to 3, Sprouting:… Read more »With hindsight

Single speedwell flower

Why we cherish Yi

Clarity’s recent member survey (still open here if you missed it) is teaching me a lot about who I’m writing for, how to help, what to improve, and so on – thank you for taking it! Still, I think my favourite part, the question I’m most glad to have asked, is… Read more »Why we cherish Yi

steps up the mountain into the mist

Step by step

Episode 44 of the I Ching with Clarity podcast is about an artist getting started with showing her art, one step at a time – Hexagram 46, Pushing Upward, changing to the Repeating Chasms of Hexagram 29, which made their presence felt as an emotional background. changing to I hope… Read more »Step by step

shelduck in flight, reflected in a lake

Pairs and perspectives

Hexagrams – you probably know this – come in pairs: 1 with 2, 3 with 4, and so on, through to 63 with 64. Sometimes it’s obvious why a pair of hexagrams belong together, sometimes less so. It only really sank in for me recently why Hexagram 43, Deciding, would… Read more »Pairs and perspectives