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I Ching

egg hatching

Coming soon

Next month, I’m restarting the Clarity podcast. Formerly ‘Living Change’, now just the ‘I Ching with Clarity podcast’, it’ll have a new episode each month, and every episode will discuss a real-life reading. (Actually the next couple of episodes will come sooner than that and won’t be readings: I’m going… Read more »Coming soon

roe deer fawn with ears pricked

For the first time

I was lucky enough to play in a good youth orchestra with a conductor who had plenty to teach us. One of many things he said that stuck with me was that, when playing something familiar, you should imagine someone in the audience who’s hearing this music for the first… Read more »For the first time

almost full moon

The moon almost full

Some of the Yi’s most interesting phrases come in threes. The advice not to chase what’s lost, for instance, or ‘not robbers, marital allies’. This is another of those: ‘the moon is almost full’. ‘Already rained, already come to rest.Honour the power it carries.The wife’s constancy brings danger,The moon is… Read more »The moon almost full