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I Ching

Allan Lian on hexagram 18

Spoiled by the mother An interesting account from Allan Lian of an investment reading. He was considering investing more in a company when he asked Yi about this, and received 18, line 2: ‘Ancestral mother’s corruption Does not allow persistence.’ (Or words to that effect: Allan uses the W/B version.)… Read more »Allan Lian on hexagram 18

Wanderer’s Vessel: a reading

Here is another audio entry (about 15 minutes, this one) – click the ‘play’ button, or right click here to download the file if that doesn’t work. I’m trying something new here: previously I’ve always written myself a script so I wouldn’t embarrass myself too much with endless ‘um’s and… Read more »Wanderer’s Vessel: a reading

Quick news bulletin

Click the blue ‘play’ button to hear it. Sorry this is so brief… I have a bunch of work waiting for me. More information soon, I hope! Or right-click here and choose ‘save target as’ to download the sound file to your computer.

I Ching and business

An email that arrived the other day…


I was recently introduced to the IChing by some good friends and I am very pleased with its content and outlook on life.

Bearing in mind that the IChing constantly mentions the ‘collective ego’ as the main obstacle to the true self – how do I approach business areas from an IChing point of view i.e. if I try my best to earn money then it is my ego which is getting involved and not my true self.

So, can the IChing be applied to business at all or is it simply a matter of doing one’s best to get to the true self and let the sage handle all money areas ?