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I Ching

Reflections on Lasting

A little background Let me set some context for this one. Back in November 2021, I’d just finished planting garlic round the half-dozen raised beds I’ve created over the years, then mulching the beds with a good layer of compost, ready for sowing the following spring. The next day, we… Read more »Reflections on Lasting

looking out of a deep cave

Portrait of a relationship

A reading for an I Ching Community member, Honey, aka MeltingPot247, with four moving lines full of darkness and warnings – What do I need to know about this relationship as it is now? The answer: Hexagram 32, Lasting, changing at lines 1, 3 4 and 6 to 41, Decrease.… Read more »Portrait of a relationship

geese in flight

Reading without an oracle

Here’s an interesting experiment you can play with: a reading without an oracle. That means setting out to receive guidance from the world without using anything intended for divination: no cards, runes, coins, stalks, charts or anything of the kind. Instead, you might listen to the first few words you… Read more »Reading without an oracle

light of camp fire on rock face

Podcast #18: dream and decision

In this episode, Raka shares two readings: ‘What if I go back to university for postgraduate studies?’ Yi answers with Hexagram 22, Beauty, changing at line 2 to 26, Great Taming: changing to and ‘What if I just leave this whole university thing?‘ …which gave her Hexagram 20, Seeing, changing… Read more »Podcast #18: dream and decision

hiking gear

Travelling as relating hexagram

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Relating hexagrams

A Change Circle member asked for examples and impressions of Hexagram 56, Travelling, as relating hexagram. After I’d trawled through my journal for examples for her, I thought I’d like to keep digging, so here’s the result… I’d expect the relating hexagram to describe subjective more than objective reality, and… Read more »Travelling as relating hexagram