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I Ching

Update from Brad

Brad Hatcher writes: ‘Hi everybody- I’m announcing some more updates at Section C, the Translation /Commentary has been completely updated, thanks to one of our list members, who donated his sharp eye and lots of time to produce a 12 page list of typos and recommendations. Sorry to anyone… Read more »Update from Brad

ICC: Hexagram 3

Dobro asked, “How can it be advantageous to carry out what one thinks right, and at the same time to abstain from moving things in a conscious direction?” Helpful and thought-provoking answers here.

Trigrams in the sequence III

Following on from this article about the sequence of trigrams through 10 and 11, here’s another place where looking at the trigrams casts light on the story behind the sequence: from Hexagram 12 to 13. Hexagram 12 is Obstruction and negation: communication is completely blocked; everything has ground to a… Read more »Trigrams in the sequence III

A practical reading

Just a small example of the kind of day-to-day help Yi provides for the asking. Not earth-shattering, just solid common sense (which, as my Mum’s Mum used to say, isn’t common) and good advice.

I Ching Community: Hexagrams of sleeping and dreaming?

I Ching Community Discussion Forum: Hexagrams of sleeping and dreaming? Peter asked, “what hexagrams reflect processes of sleeping and dreaming?” Some good – and interestingly different – suggestions are coming up. Do you dream in water, light or thunder?