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I Ching

A picture of Hexagram 44 from Paulo Coelho

:||||| Hexagram 44 seems to be the most-debated hexagram of the lot. Should we be afraid of what the yin line in the first place represents? Of encroaching evil, temptation, the thin end of the wedge? (Not to mention the unspeakable horrors of ‘a bold girl who lightly surrenders herself’.) Or should we be nurturing a new life, welcoming it with respect? Much discussion ensues.

When I read good books, I sometimes find myself wanting to pencil in a hexagram in the margins. These excerpts from Paulo Coelho’s Veronika decides to die seem to me to paint a vivid picture of Hexagram 44 – an aspect of it, at least.

Free readings webinar today

We’re having an informal session sharing I Ching readings today at 6pm UK time (that’s US Pacific 10am, Mountain 11am, Central 12 noon, Eastern 1pm, 7pm or later across Europe). This one is free (I hope to recoup costs later by selling the recording). To attend, just log in here… Read more »Free readings webinar today

The Image of Hexagram 62

‘Above the mountain is thunder. Small overstepping.
Noble one in actions exceeds in courtesy,
In loss exceeds in mourning,
In using resources exceeds in economy.’