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I Ching

Looking at hexagram pairs

If you’ve studied Stephen Karcher’s Total I Ching or listened to How to make Change a working part of your life, you’ll be familiar with the idea that the I Ching’s hexagrams come in Pairs, and that these Pairs are units of meaning in themselves. If you receive Hexagram 6,… Read more »Looking at hexagram pairs

I Ching Community: identifying demons

I Ching Community Discussion Forum: Who is “the Devil” in this cast? Ole’s story of a series of readings, giving a very good, practical demonstration of how to use line pathways (along with gut feeling) to go beyond surface appearances, and also how to use supplemental questions.

Without coins or stalks II Podcast #003 – Consulting Your Intuition Steve Pavlina’s ‘Personal development for smart people’ blog is always a worthwhile read: lucid, intelligent and honest. Recently he’s started doing podcasts – and these, too, are several cuts above the average. (And helped along by the fact that he’s a professional speaker,… Read more »Without coins or stalks II

Without coins or yarrow

Someone asked: “How do I go about developing the talent to access this wisdom faculty without using coins, yarrow stalks, computers and so on?” It’s an extremely good question, and not one I truly know the answer to, as it’s not a talent I’ve developed. However, I do think that… Read more »Without coins or yarrow