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I Ching

A hu-manist I Ching

Just found another online I Ching translation. I haven’t looked at it in any detail, but it seems quite plain and straightforward. The unusual part is that the junzi has become the exceptional human, and personal pronouns have all turned into ‘hu’. I Ching The Book of Changes – 2

Reading for a subscriber

An audio entry, for a change. You can listen by clicking the ‘play’ button below – – or right-click here and choose ‘save target as’ to download the recording. It’s about 8 minutes long. I Ching reading

Life lessons from Yi

This is one of those embarrassing experiences with Yi, but I wanted to share it all the same. It’s a very clear example of the difference a question – and the thought behind the question – can make. There’s this course I’m thinking of taking. I like the look of… Read more »Life lessons from Yi

Divination and meaning

Some clarity from the Azande Not long ago, I read an excerpt from a 1937 study of the Azande people of sub-Saharan Africa and their use of divination. It explained that these people built substantial granaries of wood and clay, held safely clear of the ground by wooden supports. And… Read more »Divination and meaning