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I Ching

Recommended I Ching audio, part 2

Here’s the second half of my review of Dr Ron Masa’s I Ching audio program, as promised. Track 8. When the answer clicks Some sample readings, providing really useful models of the interpretive process, from puzzlement to the ‘aha!’ moment. The first example – hypothetical, I think – includes an… Read more »Recommended I Ching audio, part 2

Recommended I Ching audio

Back before my computer tried to turn into a doorstop, I wrote: “I’ve just recently learned of another provider of really good beginner-level I Ching information online. I’ll be writing a review of his current offering soon and posting it here.” So let me end the suspense: I’m talking about… Read more »Recommended I Ching audio

Light on Disentangling

I found this quotation from Thomas Merton in a beautiful book by Lenedra J Carroll, The Architecture of All Abundance, which I bought from Cygnus Books: “There is a pervasive form of contemporary violence… activism and overwork. The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most… Read more »Light on Disentangling

Trigrams in the sequence from 24 to 25

Hexagram 24, Returning, is made up of the trigrams for thunder within the earth: Hexagram 25, Without Entanglement, has thunder below earth’s complement, heaven: Thunder is the vital spark, often human will and initiative. In a time of Returning, the wise old kings would ‘close the gates. Itinerant merchants did… Read more »Trigrams in the sequence from 24 to 25

Weekly I Ching readings

Weekly readings are a blessing and a joy. I’m finding that the richest rewards come from asking an open-ended question every weekend, and keeping this separate from my readings about whatever pressing issues have come up. Stephen Karcher wrote that the basic question we ask oracles – the question behind… Read more »Weekly I Ching readings

My computer is away

Actually, my computer is dead. It died quite suddenly yesterday night – it was working, and then it wasn’t. End of computer, at least until the manufacturer fixes it. So I am not available for readings, or answering emails, or indeed writing posts and sending you a lamentably overdue newsletter.… Read more »My computer is away