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I Ching

I Ching quote of the week

“When you get a figure, a hexagram, what it really is is like a mask. And you put it on and move and dance in that spirit and something happens: you experience significance.” This is from Stephen Karcher’s radio interview with Caroline Casey on her Visionary Activist Show. (Visit that… Read more »I Ching quote of the week

What is the I Ching?

The Funeral of the Real » I Ching and the Logos Here’s an unusual I Ching reading, interpreted with great creative insight from an unfamiliar perspective. The question is “What is the I Ching?”, the answer Hexagram 44 moving at lines 3 and 4 to Hexagram 20. So Joe Chip… Read more »What is the I Ching?

Hexagram 38 in daily life

Here’s a nice coincidence. Elvira emails me and asks, “What is the meaning of Hexagram 38 in daily life?” And over at GreatVessel there is a new article on Hexagram 38 (Opposition/ Diverging) entitled The Shaman of the Shadows – remarkable work that needs reading and re-reading slowly, and with… Read more »Hexagram 38 in daily life

A hidden gem

Yijing pictorials from Coyote. A phrase or two to take with you for each hexagram (some ‘morals’, some mini-poems, some like Yi-koans), and images for some of them, too. Go see.

Changes to I Ching reading services

Update! I’ve just revised my I Ching reading services once again. See this post for what’s new, or just go straight to the reading pages to learn more. I’ve been brainstorming, planning and consulting with Yi, and have settled on this much-simplified choice of I Ching reading services: Discussing and… Read more »Changes to I Ching reading services

The Voices of the Lines

There is a new, original article at the Great Vessel: The Voices of the Lines: multiple transforming lines. It describes each line of the hexagram as a ‘voice’, ‘like sounding boxes or wind harps or metaphors.’ Line 1, for example, is described as “The Voice of Beginnings, the first entrance… Read more »The Voices of the Lines