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I Ching

Meeting Grey Rat

A few weeks ago, I went to stay with Mum for a while, helping her out after a stay in hospital. First thing after we arrived, I asked Yi for advice for the next week or so, and received Hexagram 16, Enthusiasm, changing at the fourth line to Hexagram 2.… Read more »Meeting Grey Rat

Unchanging hexagram

Discussing the fourth ‘readings panel’ at GreatVessel, Rodrigo says that the absence of moving lines indicates that the situation is an objective reality: there are no subjective choices to be made. This is a good way of understanding moving lines – that they are the openings for subjective choice. I… Read more »Unchanging hexagram

Quite strange I Ching art

Here are various hexagrams represented in – I quote – “C-print, fluorescent tubes, plexiglass, aluminum”. Right.