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I Ching

Interesting Yi version

Rosada at the I Ching Community casually dropped in a mention of this rendering of the Yi, which I’d never encountered before. It’s image-based and allusive, and for some reason has been made even more reduced and succinct than the original.

People in harmony!

You never know where Yi may show up. Here’s an instructive tale from a Friday afternoon business meeting. I wonder what the reading was?

Stripped away

A note to explain my long silence here: my Mum died a couple of weeks ago, after a long and increasingly debilitating illness. I asked Yi, before we came over to visit her in hospital this time, what I could do for her, and it answered with 23, unchanging. So… Read more »Stripped away

Hexagram 3 and Lateral Growth

Here’s another ‘non-Yi’ post I came across that strikes me as helpful in understanding a hexagram. This one from Scott Young, about lateral growth. He differentiates between this and vertical, directed growth: ‘Opportunity is critical for lateral growth. With vertical growth, you are already aware of what you aim and… Read more »Hexagram 3 and Lateral Growth

Dream Tending

‘Dream tending’ has some excellent free articles on dream work – which is never far removed from oracle work. Doesn’t this sound familiar? It is my belief that in the correspondence between dimensions a personexperiences the sensation of “healing.” For example, when a person “understands” adream, regardless of the system… Read more »Dream Tending