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I Ching

Synchronicity and inner work

Reading Steve Pavlina’s blog (always a good idea), I came across a post entitled ‘There is no out there’. It’s about a healer who works by healing the reflection of the other person within himself. Mind-boggling. And that reminded me of a story I heard Stephen Karcher tell – click… Read more »Synchronicity and inner work

Search the I Ching

Here’s a very, very useful online tool you may not have known about: an I Ching search from . You can search for any word in the Wilhelm/Baynes translation, and get a neat list back of all the hexagrams and lines in which it appears. If you are trying… Read more »Search the I Ching

Free I Ching things

Just a quick update about the members’ area. As you will know if you’ve joined as a Friend, you can already login and download: The Beginners’ I Ching Course as a single pdf to download ‘Seven ways to live a reading’ ‘Crossing the Great River’ – an excerpt from ‘Journey… Read more »Free I Ching things

woman with lantern in dark forest

Searching for connection

The desire for connection comes in lots of disguises, and various more-or-less-useful sublimations, but I think a whole lot of us are looking for ways to feel connected – coherent – at one with our lives. We need the way we spend our days to connect with who we are.… Read more »Searching for connection

Oracle of the Turtle

If you’re in the Missouri area, you may be able to catch a screening of Bob Dyer’s Oracle of the Turtle. It’s a short animated film based on his 64 I-Ching-inspired poems first published in 1978. If you see it – or know the poems – or know if the… Read more »Oracle of the Turtle

Wild Geese

Just listen to this… “Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting – over and over announcing your place in… Read more »Wild Geese

Hexagram 53, line 3

‘The wild geese gradually advance to the high plateau. The husband marches out and does not return; The wife is pregnant, but does not nurture the child; Pitfall. Harvest in resisting outlaws.’ Some thoughts based on a single experience of this line. (In other words, not ‘What It Means’, but… Read more »Hexagram 53, line 3