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I Ching

Reading space

When I interviewed _____ (that ‘mystery interviewee’!) for the upcoming audio sale, she said something about the sacred space of a reading that got me thinking. I’ve just added some excerpts from our conversation, including the part where we talk about the ‘space’ of a reading, to the audio sale… Read more »Reading space

Reducing the many

‘At the centre of the earth is a mountain. Integrity. The noble one thus reduces the many to increase the few, He weighs things up to balance out their distribution.’ According to Wilhelm, the noble one is involved in the redistribution of wealth, but it’s always seemed to me that… Read more »Reducing the many

I Ching Course news

Update, 20th September: sale now on You can log in to your members’ area to claim a discount coupon for £10 off the audio edition of the I Ching Course (or the correspondence version). The coupon is valid until 30th September. Two news items for you: First, the I Ching… Read more »I Ching Course news

Robes for truth

“Truth does not come into the world without robes; it enters through words and pictures. Truth cannot be received by the world in any other way.” This is from the Gospel of Philip (one of the Gnostic Gospels). It seems to say a lot about divination. I think truth cannot… Read more »Robes for truth

with thanks

I consulted with Yi about my ideas for an upcoming sale, and took my answer to the I Ching Community for comments and insights. People gave me a whole lot. Have a look at the thread; you’ll see what I mean.

A week of 54.1

As you may know, I consult Yi once a week without a specific question – just to touch base and remagnetise the inner compass. The way these readings help changes from week to week: sometimes I’ll find I’ve been given very specific advice for a situation that arises days later;… Read more »A week of 54.1

Directory of Yijing diviners

Are you looking for someone you can meet with face to face for an I Ching reading? (Or do you know someone for whom this would be the best introduction to the oracle?) There might be someone near you – have a look at the updated Directory of Yijing Diviners… Read more »Directory of Yijing diviners