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I Ching

I Ching Sonnets

I Ching Sonnets by Cliff Bennet – all 64 are here to read online. From Hexagram 30: “Let it be that I, while blinded in this temple, Hold to thy radiance through my own and private night And like sandalwood consumed at a shining high altar Brighten thee more.”

Not grasping your self

This week I received Hexagram 52: ‘Keeping your back still, Not grasping your self. Moving in your rooms, Not seeing your people. Not a mistake.’ And I read in John O’Donohue’s Anam Cara: “There is no direct, permanent or public access to the divine. Each destiny has a unique curvature… Read more »Not grasping your self

The I Ching as Bible

How Ancient China came to America: the I Ching as Bible An article by Dana Baker Wilde discussing attitudes to the I Ching in America. It includes a potted history of Western religious/moral thought, and sets people’s enduring respect for the I Ching in this context. There are some sample… Read more »The I Ching as Bible

More Hexagram 2

Yi has been giving me hexagram 2 as relating hexagram for three weeks in succession now – ever since I asked what Mum’s ‘power’ was, and received 2 with no changing lines. (Prior to that, I’d asked why she kept showing up in my dreams with work for me to… Read more »More Hexagram 2


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carousel horse in frantic gallop

Obsessive consulting

Many, many people start consulting the oracle when they have one overwhelming question in their lives – usually a relationship issue. The questions nag at their waking awareness, linger in their dreams, and result in truly obsessive questioning of the oracle. The same questions are asked again and again in… Read more »Obsessive consulting