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I Ching

Layers of purpose

I listened to Steve Pavlina’s podcast about finding one’s specific purpose, and it got me thinking (as his work often does). He distinguishes ‘specific’ from ‘universal purpose’: universal purpose may be true throughout your life, and is quite open and general; specific purpose is the way you are realising the… Read more »Layers of purpose

Perseverance furthers

A reader emailed me to ask for some comments on ‘perseverance furthers’ and what it meant in the context of the Yijing. So I thought the best response might be to provide an excerpt from the Yijing course, where I talk about yuan heng li zhen. Li is ‘furthers’, in… Read more »Perseverance furthers

Spot the hexagram

What comes to mind when you read this story from Erin Pavlina? To me, it reads like a recipe for creating hexagram 38 – opposition, polarity, alienation. Start with two mutually incomprehensible ‘cultures’; include different languages, different expectations, different values and desires. Leave each culture to brew for 30 minutes… Read more »Spot the hexagram

New King Wen sequence book

Calling all mathematically-minded Yeeks (that’s Yi Geeks) – there is a new monograph available from Berkeley: STEDT Monograph 5: Classical Chinese Combinatorics: Derivation of the Book of Changes Hexagram Sequence Richard S. Cook The first and most enigmatic of the Chinese classics is the Book of Changes, and the reasoning… Read more »New King Wen sequence book

Care of the cow

Happy Diwali! I wondered what hexagram to write about for today… then learned from Wikipedia that ‘Diwali’ actually means ‘line of lights’ and that in Nepal, the first day of celebrations are marked by thank-offerings to the cow. So it had to be Hexagram 30. ‘Clarity. Harvest in constancy. Creating… Read more »Care of the cow

I Ching experiments

Here is a somewhat daunting article rejoicing in the title of Studies Of The I Ching: I. A Replication – Statistical Data. You’d need knowledge of statistics to digest the whole thing, I think (not something I have). But the initial review of I Ching experiments over the years is… Read more »I Ching experiments