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I Ching

Free readings update

When I removed the £7 reading option, I also offered to do a few free readings each month for people who couldn’t otherwise afford one. Well – this is going well and proving popular, to the point where I’ve already hit my ‘quota’ for January. There’ll be more slots in… Read more »Free readings update


And here is a counterbalance to my own new year’s intention to consult more regularly. Oddly enough, it seems we’re both aiming in the same direction – to trust more, and hold onto control less.

I Ching software

A kind subscriber, David Rees, emailed me to ask about I Ching software: “…Question : I have a shareware version of (presumably random-number generated) I Ching hexagram lines with naming, changing line(s) (Update 26th Feb: This post used to be a great deal longer. I don’t know where the end… Read more »I Ching software

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! I’m moving gently back into work-mode, and thinking about what’ll be different this year. One personal resolution is to consult with Yi more. I know this must sound very strange coming from me, but on a couple of occasions last year, I was talking… Read more »Happy New Year!

I Ching reading

If I weren’t busy Christmassing, I’d be reading all the excellent Yi-related links Luis keeps finding and posting at the I Ching Community. If you have a moment, take a look at all these.

Dispersing armies

…or, more on how relating hexagrams work. This post will have to be somewhat vague in places to avoid going into details about the other people involved in the reading. But the gist is that I had a to-do list as long as my arm of Christmas preparations, and was… Read more »Dispersing armies

I Ching mentoring

I’m making some changes to my I Ching reading services, so here’s a quick update. Out with the old… I’m no longer offering short readings for £7. I found that I could either gallop through the reading (not good) or go way over the advertised time, and all told I… Read more »I Ching mentoring