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I Ching Readings

Sample Yijing readings

Yi playing ball

Since I first started working with Yi, I’ve enjoyed asking about the outcome of tennis matches. The dual between individuals, as much psychological as technical – it’s something very natural to divine about, and the outcomes teach me a lot about the hexagrams involved.

You may know my husband doesn’t believe in the efficacy of divination. So of course I had to mention to him how accurately I could call a tennis match, didn’t I?

Hexagram 45, line 1 and computer chaos

Where had I got to? Ah yes… started recording, and discovered exactly what could go wrong when Program X disabled my soundcard. Logged out. Restarted computer. Restarted browser. Logged in. Not going to try Program X again. Turn on the internal meeting room recorder instead…

Flashback to a reading a few days earlier:

Before the webinar, I was very worried about my computer’s habit of freezing – anything up to four and five times a day, and always at truly inspired moments. Much divination ensued.

What if I don’t reinstall Windows, how will the system cope?

Hexagram 45, changing at line 1, Hexagram 17.

Hexagram 23 and computer calamities


The webinar with Stephen Karcher finished a few hours ago, and I’m altogether overwhelmed by the sheer intensity and information-density of it all. There will be a recording available, presently – free for ticket holders and on sale to everyone else. Watch, as always, this space.

For now I want to write about something altogether more trivial, while the big stuff sinks in.

Before the webinar, I did much computer-related divination, to thrash out technical problems as best I could. So let me share one or two of those readings…

ICC: One Minute Millionaire 24.2.5 to 60.

I Ching Community Discussion Forum: One Minute Millionaire 24.2.5 to 60. Some good interpretations here into an interesting project. Could be a thread to watch.

Yi on withdrawal from Iraq

And look – here’s a new, dedicated I Ching political blog, no less: Mme. Zaratamara consults the I Ching (I really must stop browsing and playing with my new toy, and get some proper work done!) Mme Zaratamara – who is left-leaning – asked the oracle how the US could… Read more »Yi on withdrawal from Iraq