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I Ching Readings

Sample Yijing readings

The Useless Tree: Friday I Ching Blogging: Reversal of Verdict on June 4th Massacre?

The Useless Tree: Friday I Ching Blogging: Reversal of Verdict on June 4th Massacre? Not only is Sam Crane talking with Yi about Chinese politics, but Allan Lian and Steve Marshall are joining in the discussion. Looking at both the reading and the Washington Post article linked to from there,… Read more »The Useless Tree: Friday I Ching Blogging: Reversal of Verdict on June 4th Massacre?

A practical reading

Just a small example of the kind of day-to-day help Yi provides for the asking. Not earth-shattering, just solid common sense (which, as my Mum’s Mum used to say, isn’t common) and good advice.

I Ching webinar news – and some readings of my own

The short version, in case you don’t have eight minutes to listen to the audio: we had an informal webinar sharing readings; it was a success; people enjoyed it. I’ll be running more of these, and they’ll still be free. And if you want to be sure of hearing about them in advance, make sure your email address is on the notification list by sending a blank email to gatherings at (Replace the ‘at’ with ‘@’ and miss out the spaces, of course.)

Click the ‘play’ button below for the longer version, where I talk about a couple of I Ching readings I did about this.

Harry Potter and the Book of Changes (again)

One other reading I did about the latest HP book (and I do promise that the next blog entry will be about something different)…

~~more spoilers coming up, look away now!~~

…was about where Snape stands at the end.