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I Ching Readings

Sample Yijing readings

with thanks

I consulted with Yi about my ideas for an upcoming sale, and took my answer to the I Ching Community for comments and insights. People gave me a whole lot. Have a look at the thread; you’ll see what I mean.

A week of 54.1

As you may know, I consult Yi once a week without a specific question – just to touch base and remagnetise the inner compass. The way these readings help changes from week to week: sometimes I’ll find I’ve been given very specific advice for a situation that arises days later;… Read more »A week of 54.1

Stripped away

A note to explain my long silence here: my Mum died a couple of weeks ago, after a long and increasingly debilitating illness. I asked Yi, before we came over to visit her in hospital this time, what I could do for her, and it answered with 23, unchanging. So… Read more »Stripped away

One clasp of the hands

Naturally, lately, I’ve wanted to ask the oracle about my Mum’s prognosis. I’ve done so a couple of times, and on each occasion I’ve received an unchanging hexagram that gave me a very straight, short-term answer. But although there are times when uncertainty and the need to know just overwhelms… Read more »One clasp of the hands

I Ching for scientists

Ian wrote to ask me: “How can an English-speaking science graduate link to I Ching?” Nice question, thanks! The ‘English-speaking’ part is relatively easy: use a couple of distinctively different, good translations. Don’t be misled by the preoccupations of mad natural linguists (like this one) into believing you have to… Read more »I Ching for scientists

I Ching on Tarot

Dodging Invisible Rays » 59 – Dispersing Here’s a post about a remarkable reading. Pauline Kilar resolved to learn a divination system, took up the I Ching, and found it inaccessible. (Not helped by starting at the very, very deep end, with yarrow stalks and Total I Ching.) So she… Read more »I Ching on Tarot

Hexagram 14, line 6

Hexagram 14, line 6 was part of my reading for the week. It hasn’t been a great week, and I’ve been using my reading not only for its advice, but also as a reminder, a kind of talisman. Waiting for the pharmacist to make up my Mum’s prescription, I went… Read more »Hexagram 14, line 6