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I Ching Readings

Sample Yijing readings

Dispersing armies

…or, more on how relating hexagrams work. This post will have to be somewhat vague in places to avoid going into details about the other people involved in the reading. But the gist is that I had a to-do list as long as my arm of Christmas preparations, and was… Read more »Dispersing armies

Yi makes a difference

About a month ago, I turned to Yi in complete frustration. I’d been listening to podcasts from Steve and Erin Pavlina, both talking about how enthusiastically they leapt out of bed in the early morning, eager to get to their work, because they knew their purpose in life. And I… Read more »Yi makes a difference

Hexagram 31 – making space

My reading for last week was Hexagram 31, Influence. And yesterday afternoon, at the final rehearsal before that evening’s concert, the conductor asked the orchestra to ‘make space’ for the solo violinist. ‘Above the mountain is a lake. Influence. Noble one accepts people with emptiness.’ Being part of an orchestra… Read more »Hexagram 31 – making space

Free-flowing answers

Here’s an example from personal experience of how the message of a reading can attune you to the larger flow of what you need. My advice for last week from Yi was Hexagram 59, Dispersing, moving at lines 2 and 3 to 53, Gradual Development. I’m happy to see 53… Read more »Free-flowing answers

Future hexagrams

Another question from Nancy: “What have you discovered about the validity of the I Ching’s ‘future’ hexagram anwers? I have read that it gives you a potential answers to the future and is not meant to predict the future. In most cases, I have not found the ‘future’ hexagrams to… Read more »Future hexagrams

Not grasping your self

This week I received Hexagram 52: ‘Keeping your back still, Not grasping your self. Moving in your rooms, Not seeing your people. Not a mistake.’ And I read in John O’Donohue’s Anam Cara: “There is no direct, permanent or public access to the divine. Each destiny has a unique curvature… Read more »Not grasping your self

More Hexagram 2

Yi has been giving me hexagram 2 as relating hexagram for three weeks in succession now – ever since I asked what Mum’s ‘power’ was, and received 2 with no changing lines. (Prior to that, I’d asked why she kept showing up in my dreams with work for me to… Read more »More Hexagram 2