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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

Review: Way of Harmony software

I’ve been taking a good, long look at the Way of Harmony I Ching software. It’s designed to encourage that kind of steady, take-your-time approach: it offers you gentle colours, the option of soft background music or sounds, and a simple, uncluttered interface. Some real thought has gone into creating… Read more »Review: Way of Harmony software

No mistake

(Eep… this is the longest gap between blog posts in ages. Where have I been? I’m not completely sure… but it’s involved getting started writing a book (more about this in Change Circle shortly),  getting to know the excellent people who are participating in this year’s Yijing Class, and starting… Read more »No mistake

Free call on the 26th

Just to make sure you don’t miss this… On Sunday 26th at 7pm here in the UK (which is 11am Pacific time – and you can translate this to your own timezone here) there’s a free call to discuss synchronicity, divination and the I Ching.  Someone just emailed to ask… Read more »Free call on the 26th

Hexagram artwork for sale –

Paul Guérin, also known as ‘confucius’ in the I Ching Community, is offering these drawings of the old forms of the sixty-four hexagram names: The images are drawn in Chinese ink on rice paper, and they’re available for all of $20, including postage anywhere in the world, only to Clarity… Read more »Hexagram artwork for sale –