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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

Are you free on Tuesday 20th?

… starting at 9pm UK time? (That’s 4pm Eastern.) As that’s when Kim Gould of Love Your Design has kindly asked me to join her for her web-radio show. Kim’s speciality is Human Design, a modern system that brings together astrology, the chakra system, Kaballah and the I Ching. Fortunately… Read more »Are you free on Tuesday 20th?

Quick update

If you’re a Change Circle member, or if you’ve clicked the ‘Readings’ tab of this site lately, you’ll already know this: I’ve stopped giving I Ching readings. The I Ching Community remains – definitely no plans to close that – as do the various downloads and the full I Ching… Read more »Quick update

Introducing Jennifer Louden

Jennifer Louden‘s an opening speaker – and a speaker about ‘opening’ – for the Festival of Change. I asked her to participate after I discovered her ‘listening to the question’ audio. As you might imagine, the title caught my attention – I spend a whole lot of time listening to… Read more »Introducing Jennifer Louden

Online I Ching reading news

Since I had to remove the Wilhelm/Baynes translation from the free online I Ching here, I’ve had several people ask after it. I can’t restore it, but I can at least offer an alternative to good old Victorian James Legge. So I’ve just added excerpts from my own upcoming I… Read more »Online I Ching reading news