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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

Giving readings more space

I’ve been blessed with some wonderful reading clients over the past year, and I’m hugely grateful for the experience. I’ve witnessed clarity dawning, knots untying themselves, blocks dissolving – Yi at work. I love it. And… I realise there’s something I need to tweak a bit to create more space… Read more »Giving readings more space

‘Language of Change’ Yijing glossary

I’ve just made Language of Change available separately. It’s a Yijing glossary covering common phrases, words and omens (‘crossing the great river’, ‘feudal lords’, ‘regrets vanish’…) and also some key concepts (centrality, offerings, marriage…), and it’s available in pdf (digital) format for £7, here. This is the same glossary that’s included… Read more »‘Language of Change’ Yijing glossary

News from Clarity

I asked Yi for work advice recently, and received hexagram 58. It seems that work has a lot to do with communicating – who’d’ve thought, right? So I will do more of that and less keeping of things under wraps, and if I ever seem to have gone a bit quiet, please… Read more »News from Clarity

Clarity in 2015

I haven’t made a post like this before, but I can see the wisdom in making public commitments, so here goes… this is what I intend to offer you through Clarity this year. I Ching classes I’ll run a series of live online classes – using a combination of live calls… Read more »Clarity in 2015

‘Enliven’ email course

The blog has gone quiet lately, and is likely to remain quiet until I finish up the ‘Enliven’ email course. This is an eclectic mix of ideas for bringing your relationship with guidance to life (hence the title!) through keeping a journal. That includes dreams and synchronicities as well as Yi.… Read more »‘Enliven’ email course