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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

Coming soon…

I’ve been lucky enough to meet up with Dr Margaret Pearson, and she has very kindly promised to be the ‘guest speaker’ at our next webinar. As you’ll know if you came to the last one with Stephen Karcher, this means we get to ask her questions! The subject is ‘Women and the I Ching’, and there is some discussion going on at the I Ching Community about potential questions to ask. (Or you’re very welcome to add your suggestions as ‘comments’ to this post.)

Quick news bulletin

Click the blue ‘play’ button to hear it. Sorry this is so brief… I have a bunch of work waiting for me. More information soon, I hope! Or right-click here and choose ‘save target as’ to download the sound file to your computer.

Brad Hatcher’s Yijing translation

If you haven’t already visited this page and launched into a feeding frenzy of downloading, go now. Brad has converted everything to pdf format, so it’s viewable on any computer. If you don’t have the means to unzip the files already, try Izarc for Windows or Stuffit expander for Macs.

The CD is ready!

It may have taken me a month, but I’ve got the CD of the webinar with Stephen Karcher ready for you, finally. It includes the screen recordings, transcript, and extra explanatory articles with slides from the webinar, and costs £12 including postage. Full details here I’ve also made a few… Read more »The CD is ready!

I’m (more or less) back

Hello – just to say I am back at work. Backlogged… dozier than usual… but doing readings and giving feedback on ecourse assignments in the usual way.

I’m away

Just to say that, while there may still be the occasional sign of life from me here, I won’t be doing readings, answering emails etc for a week or so. For some of that time I’ll be carrying boxes etc for Mum as she moves house, and for some of… Read more »I’m away