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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

Free I Ching webinar next Saturday

What: Journey imagery in the I Ching
When: Saturday 30th July, 6pm UK time – that’s 10am Pacific time, 11am Mountain, 12 noon Central, 1pm Eastern, and 7pm or later across Europe.
Where: at an internet connection near you. Anywhere.
How much: £0.00

‘Mandate of Heaven’ on

Here’s the hardback for £10 (opening bid) plus p+p. At £8.75 cheaper than Amazon UK at this opening price, and the author will even sign it for you. (Another hardback and two paperback copies to come later: he’s selling them one at a time.)

Margaret Pearson webinar update

Two quick news bulletins:

First, I’ve finally got the recording and transcript online. It’s only £4 for the downloadable version or £9 to get the CD posted to you – that’s in the region of $16 US. You can get your copy here. I’ve also put some free excerpts online as Flash files, for you to get a flavour of the event: the section on yin (possibly my personal favourite), part of what she had to say about Hexagram 44, and the discussion on lines 2 and 5 of hexagram 28. Click here to go straight to the free clips.

Women in the I Ching: webinar review

I had hoped to be posting now with news that I’d got the transcript and recording ready for you. But I’m sorry to say I’m not quite there yet: I was out on Saturday playing in a rehearsal and concert, and I still have a bunch of editing work to do. Almost there, though.

To whet your appetite for when I do get this finished – and it really shouldn’t be long now – here’s what we talked about:

What’s a webinar?

I just got an email asking this. Oops – very good question.

A webinar is like a seminar, but online – so participants can come from all over the globe. On the day, I will be sending out a link and global password to ticket-holders, and we will all log in to a glorified ‘chat room’. Unlike the ordinary kind, this has both text and voice chat, and I can also send out web pages for everyone to look at – which means I can display ‘slides’ of whatever we’re talking about. Also, if you come you can make your own recording of the complete event – voice, text and slides together – with a couple of mouse clicks.

Women in the I Ching webinar: tickets on sale

News! 😀 Tickets are on sale now for the webinar.

When: Saturday 25th June, 6pm UK time. (That’s mid-morning to early afternoon across the US.)
Who: Dr Margaret Pearson
What: Women in the I Ching
Where: at any internet-connected computer near you: Windows or Mac
How much: £5 (about $9 US, €7.50)

And maybe I should also mention how many: 28 seats were left when I last checked.