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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

Update from Brad

Brad Hatcher writes: ‘Hi everybody- I’m announcing some more updates at Section C, the Translation /Commentary has been completely updated, thanks to one of our list members, who donated his sharp eye and lots of time to produce a 12 page list of typos and recommendations. Sorry to anyone… Read more »Update from Brad

I Ching webinar news – and some readings of my own

The short version, in case you don’t have eight minutes to listen to the audio: we had an informal webinar sharing readings; it was a success; people enjoyed it. I’ll be running more of these, and they’ll still be free. And if you want to be sure of hearing about them in advance, make sure your email address is on the notification list by sending a blank email to gatherings at (Replace the ‘at’ with ‘@’ and miss out the spaces, of course.)

Click the ‘play’ button below for the longer version, where I talk about a couple of I Ching readings I did about this.

Free readings webinar today

We’re having an informal session sharing I Ching readings today at 6pm UK time (that’s US Pacific 10am, Mountain 11am, Central 12 noon, Eastern 1pm, 7pm or later across Europe). This one is free (I hope to recoup costs later by selling the recording). To attend, just log in here… Read more »Free readings webinar today


OK, so that one lasted 3 hours. (And I thought I’d chosen something nice and small and manageable – ha!) I think I’ve lost my voice. Huge thanks to everyone who came and listened and contributed ideas. Hopefully I’ll get the recording and transcript ready to put on sale within… Read more »Phew