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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

Coming up in early 2006…

… in I Ching-land, that is… I will be releasing a very small, very low-priced, and I hope very useful beginners’ product at the end of this month. I’ll let you know what it is later, when I’ve fixed on a title 🙂 . If you’re not a beginner, you… Read more »Coming up in early 2006…

New Yijing paper

Andreas Schöter presented a paper at last year’s International Conference on the Yijing and Contemporary Civilisation in Taiwan, which you can download from this page. (Follow the link to his report on the trip.) I’ve just done so, and hope to be able to understand parts of it.

I Ching art exhibition

Sixty-Four Human Situations: Artist Interpretations of I Ching Gineen Cooper ~ Peter Stankiewicz October 1st-30th, 2005 Opening Reception: October 1st 6-9 p.m. with musical performances by ‘The Chemical Wedding’ and food by Osaka A.P.E. Gallery, Thornes Marketplace, 150 Main St., Norhampton MA 01060 U.S.A.

I Ching photos at New Paltz

Images in the Heavens, Patterns on the Earth: The I Ching Photographs by Janet Russek and David Sheinbaum On exhibit in the West Wing of the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New Paltz, NY from September 30th to November 20th The exhibition is of 64 photos: you can read more… Read more »I Ching photos at New Paltz

Webinars or teleseminars?

Which is a better format for I Ching gatherings – online, or over the phone? I’ve just set up a quick poll – please give me your advice on this!