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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

I Ching workshop on Wednesday

Mick Frankel, a man of much I Ching wisdom and good sense, will be giving an introductory workshop on the I Ching at 8pm this Wednesday (7th March). He says: My workshop, “An Introduction to the I Ching” will be at 20:00 next Wednesday, 7th March at the Phoenix Rising… Read more »I Ching workshop on Wednesday

The Great Vessel is bubbling

Oh look… a new post at the Great Vessel blog. They have new forums (including an ‘ask Stephen Karcher’ area), a new example reading, a revised links page, and a promise of more good things to come. Watch that space.

Free readings update

When I removed the £7 reading option, I also offered to do a few free readings each month for people who couldn’t otherwise afford one. Well – this is going well and proving popular, to the point where I’ve already hit my ‘quota’ for January. There’ll be more slots in… Read more »Free readings update

I Ching mentoring

I’m making some changes to my I Ching reading services, so here’s a quick update. Out with the old… I’m no longer offering short readings for £7. I found that I could either gallop through the reading (not good) or go way over the advertised time, and all told I… Read more »I Ching mentoring

New King Wen sequence book

Calling all mathematically-minded Yeeks (that’s Yi Geeks) – there is a new monograph available from Berkeley: STEDT Monograph 5: Classical Chinese Combinatorics: Derivation of the Book of Changes Hexagram Sequence Richard S. Cook The first and most enigmatic of the Chinese classics is the Book of Changes, and the reasoning… Read more »New King Wen sequence book

Poetry of Nigel Richmond

Beth Richmond has posted to the I Ching Community about Nigel Richmond’s poetry: she has a limited number of copies of his poetry pamphlets – Glimpses of the Obvious , Pigs and Fishes, and The Love of Fu Hsi . She is very generously making these available to anyone who’d… Read more »Poetry of Nigel Richmond