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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

Where did I go?

My posts here have been a tad sparse of late, and are about to get sparser. How come? Well, in theory the deadline to complete that new site design, with all its assorted rewritten content and behind-the-scenes programming, is 25th May. In practice… (*pause for strange gibbering noises from the… Read more »Where did I go?

I need your aesthetic sense!

Here is a proposed new design for onlineClarity (blog and forum included). *update!* Here is an alternative version of the design  for comparison. We’re still at the stage of deciding on the look and feel. Colours, layout, graphics, spacing… all that. (Working links and text will come later.) You’d be… Read more »I need your aesthetic sense!

I Ching talk in Vancouver

Greg Whincup, author of Rediscovering the I Ching, is giving a talk on the I Ching at Vancouver Art Gallery, on April 16th. Details here.

Upcoming redesign

I owe you a blog post, so I asked Yi what to write about. And the oracle suggests 39.3 changing to Hexagram 8: difficulty and turnaround through seeking union. This, I realised, was all about The Redesign. I’m getting my site redesigned. This – I know from the last time… Read more »Upcoming redesign

Tao of Dow online class

Here’s another neat class idea from Misha Goussev: ‘The Tao of Dow, East Asian wisdom in business’, aka ‘Taoism, Change and Decision Making’. There are ten Monday classes, taught via Yahoo group and email, three on Taoism in general and the remainder on the I Ching and decision-making. They run… Read more »Tao of Dow online class

Hermetica I Ching: new edition

At, you’ll find a new edition of possibly the best Yijing resource on the web. Bradford Hatcher’s Book of Changes includes a ‘Matrix’ translation (a parallel text of Chinese and English), books on history and structure, and a complete translation with in-depth, thought-provoking commentary – and for some unfathomable… Read more »Hermetica I Ching: new edition