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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

I Ching Class deadline tomorrow

In my inbox today: a very short response to the last edition of ‘Friends’ Notes’: “dear Hilary! not interested. S….” OK, OK. This is positively the last time I’ll mention, and link to, and generally encourage you seriously to consider attending, the I Ching Class. Tomorrow is the final day… Read more »I Ching Class deadline tomorrow

New in the free online I Ching

…is one more translation. I’ve just added my own working translation to Clarity’s plain-text online I Ching reading. You’ll see it in the drop-down menu of translations provided you’re logged in – like this: (It looks indescribably pretentious, but I couldn’t think what else to put in the space available.)… Read more »New in the free online I Ching